Enduring the Struggles of Building an Online Business: Balancing Dreams, Work, and Family

Building an online business, whether through affiliate marketing, digital marketing, e-commerce, or freelancing, is often romanticized as the path to financial freedom. Images of working from anywhere, quitting the 9-to-5 grind, and reclaiming time for family and personal passions fill your mind. But the journey could be smoother.

If you’re like me, you’re likely balancing this dream with a full-time job and family obligations, and it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re walking a tightrope while juggling multiple responsibilities. The urge to quit and give up on your dream can creep in, especially when challenges arise, and the finish line feels distant. 

At other times, you may be tempted to abandon your current path when social media ads promise quicker success in a completely different venture. I covered this in my previous blog post, discussing what’s known as Shiny Object Syndrome. Remember, you’re not alone in feeling this way—every successful online marketer and business owner has experienced these emotions early in their journey.

The Struggles Are Real

You likely envisioned a straightforward path when you started your online business journey. “I’ll just set up a website, drive traffic, and start earning passive income,” you thought. But then came the steep learning curve.

Learning affiliate marketing or any online business model from scratch requires hours of research, trial, and error. The landscape is vast and full of shifting variables—algorithms, niche markets, SEO tactics, paid ads, and ever-evolving trends.

Before long, you realize that it’s more complex than putting in a few hours a week. It can feel like a second full-time job in and of itself. This adds pressure to your already packed schedule.

It’s not unusual to feel mentally drained when you finally sit at your computer late in the evening after a long day at work. Yet you push forward because this business is your ticket to freedom. But it’s during these moments of exhaustion and overwhelm that self-doubt begins to whisper: Am I cut out for this?

The Overwhelming Learning Curve

One of the most disheartening realities you encounter is the gap between where you are and where you thought you’d be. Mastering the intricacies of affiliate marketing—SEO, content creation, product research, and traffic generation—feels like climbing a mountain that keeps getting taller.

Mistakes happen often, and they can cost you time and money. You may pour hours into creating a landing page, only to find that it doesn’t convert. You may invest in paid ads that yield little to no results. These setbacks compound feelings of inadequacy, and it’s easy to wonder if you’re wasting your time.

Imposter syndrome creeps in—”Other people are successful at this; why can’t I figure it out?” Seeing others on social media celebrating wins while stuck in the trenches can be mentally taxing. You question whether you have what it takes to break through. 

What is interesting about these “other people” you see who appear to be successful online is that things are not always as they appear…and I’ll just leave it at that.

Juggling Family and Work

Balancing family obligations while trying to build an online business adds another layer of complexity. If you’re a parent, you’re probably aware there’s never enough time in the day. Between your full-time job and family duties, where does building a business fit in?

Your sacrifices are accurate. You might miss out on family time or compromise sleep to push your project forward, but you’re always choosing between personal, professional, and entrepreneurial priorities.

This balance—or imbalance—can lead to burnout. You love your family and want to spend time with them, but there’s also the nagging feeling that if you don’t grind now, you’ll never be able to escape the 9-to-5 trap. It’s a constant tug of war between your current obligations and future aspirations, and some days, the future seems impossibly far away.

The Urge to Quit

As the journey continues, the feeling of being overwhelmed takes its toll. You’re constantly learning new skills, making mistakes, and keeping your head above water in a crowded online space. You ask yourself, “Is this even worth it?” It can be tempting to walk away from it all and accept the security of your full-time job. After all, the paycheck is steady, and the effort-to-reward ratio is more precise.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I’ve been struggling for over twenty years and have overcome the urge to quit many times. But, here’s the thing…The drive to fulfill the reasons behind my pursuit is far more powerful than the temptation to give it all up. If you’re curious, please read My Story to discover my why.

Like I said above, everyone who has succeeded has gone through these same struggles. Those feelings of inadequacy, overwhelm, and failure are not unique to you—they’re part of the process. Every online entrepreneur has faced the same learning curve, mistakes, and feelings of wanting to give up. They persevered, and that’s what made all the difference.

Embracing the Struggle

The road to financial freedom through building an online business is challenging but worth it. You’ll face mental and logistical hurdles, but these struggles are necessary for growth. The trial and error you experience is what will teach you to become better, stronger, and more adept at navigating the online business world.

Understand that setbacks don’t define you—your ability to get up and keep going does. Embrace the slow progress because every small victory gets you closer to your goal. Break your larger goals into bite-sized pieces and celebrate the milestones, no matter how small.

If you take nothing else from this post, embrace the mindset mentioned above—it’s one of the most critical elements for successfully building a business. The lack of this mindset has been the root cause of my repeated failures; no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fully grasp this concept.

How to Keep Going

Here are some key strategies to endure the struggles without giving up:

  1. Set realistic expectations – Understand that success won’t come overnight. Set achievable milestones and focus on incremental progress.
  2. Create a routine that works for you—Even if it’s just an hour a day, create a consistent routine that allows you to dedicate time to your business without sacrificing necessary family time.
  3. Celebrate small wins – Don’t wait until you’ve “made it to feel accomplished. Recognize the small steps that push you forward.
  4. Seek support – Join online communities, find mentors, or connect with others in similar positions. Sharing your challenges can lighten the load.
  5. Remember your ‘why – On the most challenging days, remind yourself why you started this journey. Visualize your end goal—quitting your job, spending more time with your family, or achieving financial independence.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

It may sometimes feel impossible, but the reward will be worth it if you persevere through the struggles. The day you finally achieve your monetary goals, quit your full-time job, and claim the freedom you’ve worked so hard for will make all the late nights, frustrations, and feelings of inadequacy fade into the background.

Your journey to building an online business tests patience, resilience, and passion. Don’t let the urge to quit rob you of the success waiting at the finish line. Success isn’t about avoiding the struggles; it’s about enduring them and coming out stronger on the other side. Keep pushing, and remember—you’re closer than you think.

I am reminded of the cartoon below. The two men are digging and hoping to find those diamonds. The man at the bottom is just one step away from reaching his treasure but ultimately gives up, not realizing how close he is. The other man shows no sign of giving up and perseveres at his own speed and time.

Be the one who keeps digging until you reach your destiny. Let’s do this together.

And if you’re looking for a proven solution, consider reading Dean Holland’s “The Iceberg Effect.” This book provides valuable insights and strategies to help you build a successful affiliate marketing business without falling into shiny object syndrome. Remember, success in affiliate marketing is all about consistency and hard work. Stay focused, and you, too, can achieve great things.

If you’re curious about me and haven’t already, please read “My Story” to find my purpose and why I am here.

If you enjoy reading my blog, consider subscribing to my FREE NEWSLETTER to be notified when I write a new post. I promise I won’t spam you or flood your inbox with nonsense.

As a special gift for signing up, you will receive two free video training courses from my mentor, Dean Holland.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog post, please consider commenting below. I’d love to hear from you.

Until then, Stay Curious, Stay InspiredAnd Stay True… 


8 thoughts on “Enduring the Struggles of Building an Online Business: Balancing Dreams, Work, and Family”
  1. Hi Vanessa, you’ve done here a very good post, interesting, and well written. I could relate myself to many of the struggles you listed. Sometimes we may falsely think we’re alone experiencing such struggles but au realize it’s just an illusion that prevent us from going forward. We are never alone experiencing certain things. Many did experience the same before us to finally overcome the hurdles, find a solution and succeed. I will retain your successul mindset formula above. Thanks Vanessa, I had a great time reading this.

  2. Hi Vanessa,
    Great post and definitely worth reading! I think every one of us has had to work with everything that you’ve mentioned. We either thought of quitting, struggled with the work it all entailed and even thought “is it worth it?”
    But we do know that with support and a clear picture of what needs to be done, we can get it done and succeed!
    If I can also suggest: your recent posts aren’t showing up in what seems to be your main blog page (or I can only see them in your recent posts right tab); it may be related to how you structured your WordPress set-up for your blog?
    Love reading your blog entries; it sure gives us a lot of much needed support! All the best!

    1. Hi Marc…thank you for the wonderful comment. I so appreciate it. If you are viewing my website on a cell or tablet, for some reason after publishing a new blog post, it doesn’t show up for a period of time… way too long of a time in fact. I had forgotten about that and was going to contact the company that I purchased the theme from to let them know and to correct that. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Nice post on the realities of Affiliate marketing. It takes time effort and creativity to make it happen. Your blogs always have a lot of eye appeal with the pictures you put in

  4. Hi, Vanessa! I like what you wrote about those hard feelings. They are not unique to you—they’re part of the process. How comforting and true! The hard stuff is just part of the process. The emotions are fleeting. They come and go, so why let them stop us? One step at a time, and you’re right! We will get there! This is such an encouraging post! Thank you!

  5. Wow, you’ve got some serious grit! Juggling life and chasing your business dreams isn’t easy, but you’re totally right—entrepreneurship is often glamorized, when in reality, it’s full of ups, downs, and a lot of “What am I even doing?” moments.

    Your plan to break things into smaller steps and celebrate the little wins is spot on. You’re definitely digging in the right spot—those diamonds are just around the corner! Keep going, you’ve got this!

  6. Hi Vanessa,

    This post shows the real struggles of building an online business while juggling a full-time job and family. I can relate to the tightrope walk between responsibilities and dreams. Your reminder to get back to daily walking is so great, as it’s important for well-being.

    The advice on setting realistic goals, maintaining a routine, and celebrating small victories is a great idea too. Your focus on remembering your ”why” and seeking support is crucial. Thanks for sharing your honest experiences and tips, it’s motivating and encouraging to see how you’ve navigated these challenges.


  7. Hi Vanessa – The balancing act struggle is real! Sometimes you don’t know where to start and where to stop and what’s in the middle and what to give to be all you can be without sacrificing the other important parts of your life. Does that make sense? Do you relate? It’s like watching a skilled Olympian on the Balance Beam. All the twists and turns and flips and then sticking the landing seems almost impossible. But it’s not, they are doing it! Now it’s a different animal being an Olympic athlete however the concept is the same. Practice, practice, practice! Reading your key strategies in your post I was trying to choose one that I could focus on and found that I need to focus on all of them! I’ve got a long way to go but I can do it. For the encouragement!

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